Words by Jane O’Connor / Photography by Craig Purcell
Buying any sort of real estate, especially for first timers, is an emotional decision. And, with the levels of aspirational property ownership available to Australians, we can be particularly starry eyed. For most, there is – or should be – a vast difference between buying a property that we want to live in, raise families and enjoy as opposed to a business purchase with a focused eye on investment. The former is generally based on emotion and personal preference and one we will happily spend weekends working to maintain and putting a personal stamp on. The latter is a far more cold headed approach with a view to it ultimately appealing to the widest future buying pool possible without over capitalising beyond a good profit margin.
For the first timer, hankering after hectares should be very carefully planned. This is a perfect case where some sensible prevention and a good homework checklist is better than a disappointing and expensive cure. For the majority of Australians, the primary place of residence is their main financial investment, making us a nation of keen property watchers. But, we often fail to look beyond the superficial.

The old saying about land and how they aren’t making any more of it is true. Good land is valuable and across Australia the variances in cost and quality is enormous. Take it as read that any area in Australia will have its own peculiarities, levels of demand and price cycles. You can apply some general, basic rules, but the nitty gritty of each individual property environment will vary. There is strong competition for the prime end of country property. The ‘tree change’ phenomenon is well documented with the desire for a quieter, less urban lifestyle. That doesn’t necessarily add up to horses. Some simply covet space and a view, but it makes the demand for good hectares much wider than just you and your horse dreams.
Demographically, Australians stick largely to the coastal rims and watch major capital cities spreading ever further into what was once farmland. Having your hectares cake and eating it too by being able to still commute to work has become an expensive proposition. Space and privacy, plus pretty close to the action is the most highly sought after combination. These days, anything between a few hectares and up to 50 or 100 tends to come under the heading of ‘lifestyle property’. Push that higher and you are into farming and strictly rural zones. Budget depending, it is then a case of having to pitch further out for affordable possibilities in the smaller hectare range. This then has you looking at a second layer in regional areas with some of the larger regional centres in reasonable proximity or; opting for a remoter move with all the isolation that entails.

Then there are the vast differences in climate, depending on which part of the continent is beckoning. Even a superficial view of that can be a daunting reality when your micro-climate doesn’t do what the neighbour’s does or that pretty stream flows through the house every five years after torrential rain.
An important attitude to take is to try and set aside the emotion and give yourself time to study the pros and cons, what’s available, average prices and the types of location that appeal. Rushing in because that ‘bargain’ may be snapped up and without the right toolkit in hand can make for very disappointing decisions. Start planning well ahead. When the right boxes have been ticked, you then become a ‘qualified’ buyer and can list your requirements with real estate agents in a preferred area.
So, as a general guide and apart from watching the real estate ads, where do you start? The first two considerations are purpose and budget. Then, depending on these, there are decisions about whether to pitch for undeveloped, vacant land or something already established. The considerations required will, like any real estate purchase, require compromises and commonsense and these will be entirely personal.
Undeveloped land
We are all individuals and somebody else’s ‘dream’ home or property isn’t what you had in mind. Whether economically or emotionally you decide to start with a blank canvas, then go through the basic checklist first in preferred locations. Again, budget will be a major driver, but forward planning is vital.
Check out the terrain, climate and any planning overlays. Local Government and State Government land management, planning and agricultural authorities would rather you get it right from the start. Go to them first, not when you have bought the land and then find a titanic battle ahead regarding what you can and can’t do. For instance, many councils won’t allow the keeping of horses within town boundaries. That two hectares you just bought may turn out to be a big back yard rather than a pony paradise. Check what services they offer. Will they give you a topographical report or do soil tests?
What actually grows there and are there any residual ‘nasties’ lurking in the soil. Many former agricultural and mining areas were known for their use of chemicals and pesticides. If they have been allowed to sub-divide into smaller ‘lifestyle’ blocks then check this out if it concerns you. Agricultural departments will know and can outline any ongoing issues. For example, in my area, potato farms used high levels of dieldrin and arsenic was the preferred termite cure. Both are highly residual. A simple, free soil test by land use authorities passed it as clear of these, but neighbouring properties I looked at buying had very high concentrations. Agents should also be aware of soil status, so ask the question. What are the wind and soil erosion issues? What is the average annual rainfall? Look at the history of extreme events – flood prone, a high bushfire threat level, subject to drought.
Walk the land carefully, even while you are waiting for details on the issues listed above and ask a selling agent to outline what they have on these issues. The slope of the land will make a difference to how safe your horses are. Badly and constantly waterlogged areas present their own problems. Is it overgrazed and in need of pasture renewal and is the soil type conducive to good pasture? Is there harsh, rocky ground or a network of rabbit or wombat holes? Is it weed infested and what are the requirements on you as the owner to eradicate them? Can you clear treed land and are there planting restrictions?
Where will the water come from? Tanks versus town supply require different planning. Power supply is important. If power is a long way from the preferred house or facility site then a large additional cost may be lurking to get a supply from the grid onto the property. You will pay for that power run, poles etc – not the supply company and it is expensive.
Determine the effects of site direction as sun strike, prevailing winds and seasonal changes will have an impact on where a house, sheds or shelters are best sited. So too will slopes. Any structures you plan will be price-affected depending on the ease of building and extent of site works. Experienced shed building and infra-structure companies understand these siting and cost issues and are worth consulting ahead of the actual time when that mega shed or stable block is ready to start.
How easy is it to create an entrance, what permits are required and how much of the cost from property to roadway will you bear?
Is it already fenced? Even a few acres is a vastly different proposition to fence, compared to that suburban block. It can add up to kilometers to ring the perimeter, even on a relatively small holding, let alone dealing with dividing fences. Get some approximate costs off fencing contractors as the one-fence-fits-all philosophy doesn’t quite work if you have a specific horse purpose in mind. If fences are in poor condition, how conducive are neighbours to sharing costs?
A popular option is to look at living in a shed, barn or caravan while a house gets built. Practical and workable, but be very sure what council authorities will allow, any time restrictions and permit needs and how well the climate is suited to such living conditions. What other structures need permits (always with fees attached) – sheds, stables, wash bays, septics, arenas, hay sheds, tack rooms, bores and dams. Shed, stable, arena builders etc will know and many will do the permit process as part of the service. Being clear about these requirements can save an enormous amount of time and red tape.
Consult the locals. Most urban fringe and rural areas include an invaluable resource known as ‘the locals’. Often they have been in the area for several generations and they know their environment.
Even newer residents can be met at local horse events and are generally keen to share knowledge and experience. They will tell you whether the gorgeous, sunny day you are enjoying turns to a winter quagmire of howling, cold southerlies or skin stripping summer northerlies. They know how reliable water supplies are and whether the cockatoos will eat your window sills and rip half the roof off if you build with cedar. Forewarned is forearmed.
Developed property
Is there such a thing as the perfect property? Unless you have custom built it, then it is unlikely. But, knowing what you are buying and being prepared for it can eliminate some nasty and unexpected discoveries. Buying an established horse property can require a ‘helicopter view.’ Whether or not you like the pink walls in the house or the kitchen needs an upgrade take second place behind potential major infra-structure costs. Apply a similar checklist to the one on the previous page regarding purpose, budget and location, but impose it on what is already there. Often, you need to live on a property for a while to get the true, practical feel of it before racing ahead with plans to stamp your own personality on it. A year of observing and living there will almost always lead to changes of mind and often the saving of a lot of money splashed on more spontaneous outlays. But, you don’t need to be an agricultural scientist to work out that the soil type won’t sustain pasture for the 10 horses you have in mind. If you haven’t owned a larger property, workloads can come as a shock, even on modest holdings. Not only could a house need attention, but fencing, drainage, extra tailored out buildings take more than a bit of weeding and a motor mower.

Ask why the owners are selling. This could be as simple as the property is now too much work and they want to retire or they are looking for more land. A well-loved property will often come with owners willing to provide as much detailed information on how it works as you need – the status of water bores or dams; what the go is with septic cleaning; any ongoing guarantees on structures, local services and amenities etc.
What is the quality of any infrastructure, how well sited is it for the lay of the land, how good is access or exit and does it cater for your specific purposes? Within that, things can be adapted, but how easy would that be?
Understanding any planning restrictions and environmental overlays will save a lot of future grief. Just because the house and other structures are there doesn’t mean the property isn’t subject to restrictions. Check that structures have the right permits and compliance in place.
Getting absolutely everything you need to suit your purpose is a big ask. If it is a niche, specialised property you are after then note the agents who operate in a certain area or list such real estate and lodge your interest. Being able to view newly listed properties carries no obligation.
What are the likely ongoing maintenance and other costs? That 30 hectare spread may have a $10,000 a year rates bill attached based on estimated value per hectare. Is there added value such as producing your own fodder or an expensive slashing job needed regularly? What are the insurance costs for rural property? It is different to urban considerations. Flood, fire and storm damage are an Australian reality, but ‘house and contents’ take on new meaning and different premiums when fences and major outside infra-structure needs to be covered. Specialist rural insurance companies will outline these details.

What are the most sought after items when people go looking for a horse property? It is easy to over-capitalise on real estate. The Jacuzzi and lap pool might be ‘sexy’, but the lack of good shelters or an exercise yard and nowhere to store fodder can restrict the potential buyer pool. This is about determining the basic ‘must have’ list as opposed to the ‘wish list’ that can be achieved later. Don’t let one over shadow the other if money is an issue.
It is often the less visual items that can cost the most in time and money. Because a property looks good on the surface it doesn’t mean it has great soil or that the stables are water tight or not shrouded in shade and wet when winter turns up. How long have septics or water tanks been in place? Infra-structure ages.
What sort of problem do pest plants or animals pose? If there is a mob of chubby, happy kangaroos in every second paddock and the wombats have a highway network under the fences, it may be quaint for weekend visitors, but you have some serious pasture competition. An invasive weed issue can mean more time with a spray pack than in the saddle. Know what you are going to deal with.
At the end of the day, buying a larger horse property is really no different to any other property purchase where the rules of ‘buyer beware’ and commonsense should apply. But, it often carries a much larger checklist. Even armed with all the realities, it is often good old fashioned ‘gut instinct’ that makes us fall for a certain location, outlay or look. And, taking everything into account on the pros and cons list, there will almost always have to be compromises. At the end of the day, it boils down to what you have the means and the will to tackle in order to achieve your best personal outcome, but at least approach it from a position of knowledge.
Smart shopping
When the property of choice has been secured you can bet there will be a ‘wish list’ of necessary installations or even replacements. In some cases, the savvy potential buyer will already have a ballpark idea of what they want on such a property and what it will cost.
For instance, there may already be an arena on-site, but could it benefit greatly and reduce maintenance with the right modifications? What does that barn or stable, shelters and sheds you have been eyeing off on somebody else’s block cost and are you comparing apples with apples? Setting up your horse property post-purchase needs another checklist. Start with the all-important basic plan – what is already there, what is needed and what is your preferred layout? Armed with that, the businesses you approach can get an idea of where you are headed. For instance, seek out products that may provide an upgrade to existing buildings rather than starting from scratch. The up-front price is only part of the equation. Factor in low maintenance, long life, easily installed options as they can add up to better value for money over time. You will also run into an array of building materials, building techniques, tailored modifications, new hi-tech products and advice that will affect not only cost, but quality and enduring outcome. And, unless time and money are no object, then expect your ‘grand plan’ to take time.
It can be a daunting process to go shopping for such a plan, but that effort can be pared down. Divide the ‘shopping list’ into categories and prioritise it. For instance, if a shed, barn or shelters are at the top, then concentrate on just those. Or, while waiting for fence quotes to happen, check out some great new electric fencing on the market that could solve a major containment headache and be used for other applications down the track.
What you are looking for above all else are companies and suppliers that understand the equine market. Such expertise means you aren’t labouring to get your requirements across. They may well come up with the perfect solution. In the case of big ticket items such as sheds, barns and stables, consult experts such as Winners Circle Stables. In the case of stables – as with large arenas and sheds – there are industry standard sizes. Modifications are fine, but remember these will impact on the granting of building permits. What may be unwelcome surprises for the novice is second nature to an experienced company. Companies such as Swan Hill Engineering and Central Vic Sheds have also been dealing with these processes for many years and can advise on the best way to approach individual needs. Again, it gets back to being armed with your basic layout plan, making sure it shows climate, prevailing weather directions, topography, drainage, access and the likes of soil type. Expert companies can work with this to suggest modifications or elements that will cut excavation, time and labour costs, buildings getting too much or too little sun or shade or avoiding them being surrounded by mud and impossible to access. It may also affect choice of materials – from concrete to colourbond and timber or a combination – that are available and what their advantages and disadvantages may be in your location. Determine methods of construction, construction times and how they will suit a property and your schedule.
And, while proven methods stand the test of time, bear in mind that no section of the building or property improvement industry stands still as new and often better ways of doing things emerge. This is particularly the case with products involving technology, that have come off the back of consumer-led demand or that can add to amenity. Modern, environmentally-friendly materials enter the market; technology is applied that cuts maintenance costs and; ideal materials and fixtures initially designed for other industries prove a perfect solution for equine applications. Examples include new fencing materials that do away with treated pine, have a long, non-rotting, recyclable life and horses don’t chew it. Or grid materials used to stabilise roads in the mining industry or build durable boat ramps and a myriad of other applications are then used as a new – and portable – all weather surface for arenas or exercise areas and can boost drainage and eliminate mud areas at the same time. For instance, the Galahad Group’s Diamond Grid is a product that has been used to drain and stabilise a wide variety of heavy duty industrial surfaces. It has found its way onto arena and other equine exercise surfaces, or as a solution to particularly wet and mud-prone areas. This Australian-owned company’s product ensures a surface remains solid, dry and secure in any weather, is easy to install, made from recycled material, has little ongoing maintenance and is totally relocatable. Another prime example of progress comes in an area horse owners are very familiar with – electric fencing.
Traditional versions, using small diameter steel wires, are ubiquitous as we strip graze, to divide stock or need a solution for barrier fencing. Platinum Equine’s Electrobraid fencing is highly visible to horses, has a breaking strength equal to steel wire and the copper components won’t rust. The low level shock is harmless, but very effective and it can be easily self-installed either as a single strand on almost any type of fence or as a wider barrier solution. It carries a 25 year warranty. The same company also offers a comfortable, waterproof flooring system for stables. Any dirty bedding is easily removed from the stable, wall-to-wall surface, again cutting maintenance time and ongoing costs for the likes of wood shavings or other surface material in need of constant replacement.
We’ve all heard the jokes about ‘horse people.’ Passionate and committed to their animals whether just for leisure and pleasure or a future breeding or training operation. They will often look at sheds, yards and shelters and ignore the state of any house on a property. That coveted round yard might be under way a week after moving in, but there’s months ahead of battling to get a power supply connected. Unless you were born and raised on the land and have some understanding of what goes with anything larger than the average building block, then do some homework and soul searching. It may turn out that your ‘bargain’ swallows more dollars than a well-planned purchase, even with some infra-structure already in place.
Why do you want the hectares? Clearly determine the primary use. Whether it’s to both live on and enjoy horses for leisure and pleasure or there are plans to run competition horses, establish a stud or conduct training classes. Be clear about your reasons.
Is the quest for hectares easier than the constant search for and cost of good agistment and will yours or your childrens’ commitment to horses continue for the intended time on the property?
Closely study your lifestyle – both preferred and in reality. Do you have to work, have or are planning to have children, are retired or semi-retired? This will make a big difference to time availability, facilities needed and ability to service debt.
It may seem like a no brainer to know what your comfortable budget is. This is the most fundamental determinant of what you can go looking for. Closely watch the sales results in preferred areas. Ask agents what the average cost is per hectare for undeveloped land and what makes up price considerations on established properties. Armed with that, determine what you have to spend or can borrow and have that in place. It is the financially-armed buyer who is in a position to make an offer, negotiate or close a sale while others are scrambling for the bank manager.
• Know your limit.
• Include costs of key infra-structure for undeveloped land – know the hidden traps (see below).
• Allow some bargaining leeway.
• Calculate ongoing maintenance costs.
• Is an established property currently liveable or does it need some urgent attention?
Fabulous fencing
One of the most sought after features for aspiring horse property owners is that stunning black or white post and rail fencing that not only frames a property, but provides the safest method of containment. It’s a case of good looks meets necessity.
Like any installation though, unless money is no object, it needs to form part of the planning budget and until now, there has been a maintenance component attached, whether it’s rotting, snapping, warping or painting. An Australian company has now come up with a world beating innovation that began as a solution for vineyards looking to avoid the leaching into the soil and eventual rotting of chemically treated timbers. And, it has used a masterstroke of organically certified recycling to produce a product that can be tailored to individual needs. Woodshield Timber encases natural, untreated timber in recycled plastic sourced from agricultural uses such as irrigation piping or dripper tubes.
The disposal of treated pine has become a major issue, with costs now associated with the dumping of it and hefty fines in most states for anyone caught burning it. Treated timbers are also no longer to be used in public spaces such as schools or parks. The fact that the new product has a tested life of 50 plus years also allows for the plastic coating to be recycled again. It is this infinite recycling aspect of a generally non-biodegradeable product that has gained it the honour of being the only organically certified fencing material in Australia and New Zealand.
Woodshield Timber’s Sales Manager, Ashley Davidson, said extensive testing had been done for equine applications, including at major show jumping clubs for not only fencing, but for jumps that don’t rot when subjected to everything from the harsh Australian sun to the coldest and wettest winters. Jump rails can be left on the ground. “Most people want the looks, but they also want what lasts and is safe for their horses,” Ashley says. The product is also adaptable and can be used for arena fencing or round yards. Horses are notorious for chewing fence posts, but testing on this product has shown that they can’t get a grip on the smooth surface.
The product is also pest-resistant and has a breaking force of 40 to 50 per cent greater than standard treated pine. But, it is the versatility of the product that can cater for a wide range of budgets. Ashley says that the first step when fencing a horse property in this way is to plan what you want to do in regard to paddock layouts for your individual needs. Then price what suits your budget. The product can carry electrified wire or tape. Some people may do one part of the property and then add to it as the budget allows. Others install the posts with hot wiring to start with and then add the rails later. Once preferred paddock layouts are planned, they can be done one at a time if that’s the preference. Even suburban fencing and landscaping is catered for and it can be a do-yourself-project for those with fencing knowledge or it can be installed Australia-wide. No special nails or screws are required. “It comes down to the individual specifying what their particular needs are and that can be catered for whether they’re a large racing stud or someone just starting on a property,” Ashley says.
Further information: www.woodshield.com.au
A key word in real estate. Often this is a case of affordability over desire. Throughout Australia there are increasingly noted ‘horse areas’. They range from multi-million dollar star properties with nearby polo fields and competition arenas and an accessible capital city to smaller outer urban zones with pony clubs and adult rider groups replacing coffee mornings and tennis dates and everything in between. This is aspirational territory and like any real estate, location, amenity, services and quality will determine price. Again, budget and purpose plays a big role, but location will determine demand-driven, ongoing price increases.
• Study a preferred location. Check out the facilities that fit your lifestyle.
• How close are schools, shops, medical facilities, veterinary services, work opportunities, availability of trades and suppliers etc. Unless you are hankering after a ‘pioneering’ lifestyle and being self-sufficient, there will be a list of basic needs. What can and can’t you live without for a potentially long haul.
• Spend some time in a town or community and get a feel for it. Even weekend visits at different times of year will reveal a lot. Have a latte with the locals. What they love and complain about will soon become obvious. Nowhere is perfect, but determine the pros and cons.
• Be clear about what you don’t want and the list of what you do want will be easier to clarify.
• For instance, you may start off with happy horses and kids until they need to go to secondary school and the nearest one is a two hour bus ride every day and weekends are spent in the car while they pursue sport or other interests and need a ‘taxi’ driver. It’s a long time between primary school and P plates. Many ‘for sale’ signs go up when families hit this snag.
• Study the general topography and services – reticulated water and sewerage versus tanks and septic systems; car crunching gravel or paved roads; ongoing rating costs and; local government planning and restrictions.
Les and Karen Gillings have achieved their dream of establishing a state-of-the-art horse property in Victoria’s beautiful Yarra Valley wine and tourism region. This stunning property, which we feature here, incorporates what most aspiring horse property owners would put on their list – great pasture, safe post and rail fencing, a round yard, huge barn and stables, hot wash bays, ample float parking, excellent paddock shelters, shedding and storage, a fabulous house, an Olympic all-weather sand and sawdust arena, an all-weather roundyard and hectares of river flats and river frontage. The in-built business, including photo shoots of the property and Friesians, wedding shoots and clinics, keeps Karen occupied pretty much full-time. Agistment, riding clinics with associated accommodation for both horses and riders, plus the breeding of the Friesians utilises the property fully. Add to that the views of the surrounding mountains, a wide selection of top food and wine outlets on the doorstep and walking distance to the Yarra Glen township and the Gillings have captured all the elements of a great horse property. But, it has also taken five years of regimented planning, focus and sheer hard work to put it all in place and it is still a work in progress. If you have wondered how that fencing got to look that good, then arm yourself with a brush and paint kilometers of it. Keeping the pasture in pristine condition is an ongoing job, as is the raking of the arenas, elimination of invasive weeds and this year particularly, the scourge of rain soaked properties. There is no getting away from the maintenance, but the Gillings were aware that such a property is a labour of love when they began the project.