

Plan for brumby management in Vic Alpine National Park revealed

Parks Victoria has named trapping as the primary control method in the draft plan…

Adele Severs

Published 12 Jan 2018

By Equestrian Life

Parks Victoria has released their latest draft plan for the management of brumbies in the Alpine National Park.

On their website, Parks Victoria states:

“During 2016 and 2017, Parks Victoria has been working to develop the Protection of the Alpine National Park – Feral Horse Strategic Action Plan 2018-2020. The plan outlines where and how feral horses will be managed and proposes a three-year program to reduce the impacts on natural and cultural values in the Alpine National Park. The plan will also help support Parks Victoria meet the obligations of the National Parks Act 1975 and Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.”

The draft plan is available for public comment until 2 February 2018.

The plan outlines proposed management of horses in the region for the next three years (2018-2020).

Of course, the main points many are interested in are how herd numbers are going to be controlled. Section 8.1.1 of the draft plan details the Proposed Control Methods. It gives an overview of the available control methods and states, “Of these, trapping is the principal activity to be used between 2017 and 2020 in the Alpine National Park…” Mustering is also on the table as a possible option to supplement trapping.

Bogong High Plains- P 179 Victorian high country Brumbies - Photo credit Tony Marsh

Brumbies on the Bogong High Plains, Victoria.

© Tony Marsh

When it comes to culling animals via ground and aerial shooting, the draft plan says that these methods “Will not be used to control free ranging feral horses.” However, at the end of the three-year period this will be reviewed depending on how the other methods of population control (i.e. trapping and mustering) are going. If the use of additional techniques are required to deliver adequate environmental protection, the draft plan states that “further public consultation on techniques such as shooting of free animals will be undertaken.”

Some have criticised the draft, believing that a management plan that doesn’t include culling will fail in some areas.

View the draft plan here and complete the survey by 2 February, 2018, to have your say.



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