Like humans, horses need light for more than just vision. Environmental light is the most important cue influencing a horse’s mental and physical well-being. Equilume is the global leader in equine performance lighting and has long been providing equestrians a competitive edge using blue light technology to regulate circadian rhythms and maximise fertility, performance and well-being.
Every athlete knows that routine is key to success, and Equilume ensures that consistent blue light is available to horses throughout the day, no matter the environment. Whether they are stabled, at pasture, or travelling to a show, the Equilume range of mobile Light Masks and smart Stable Lights regulates their circadian rhythms to keep them in the best health condition possible.
“Equilume has my team of horses mentally and physically on top of their game.”
– Olympic Event Rider, Shenae Lowings.

The Equilume Pro ensures that consistent blue light is available to horses throughout the day, no matter the environment.
By supporting your horse’s body clock using Equilume blue light technology, you can strengthen their circadian rhythms and achieve:
- A sleek and shiny coat
- Reduced frequency of clipping
- Positively influenced mood and behaviour
- Extend the period of peak performance and summer vigour
- Maintained muscle tone and topline
- Strengthened immunity and healing

The Equilume Pro Light Mask can help maintain a horse’s summer coat for longer, positively influence mood and behaviour, and improve their topline and muscle development.
Apply your Equilume Light Mask today to extend that summer glow!
As the Summer Solstice approaches, make sure to add Equilume to your regime before the end of January to maintain your horse’s summer vigor and sleek coat, achieving optimal performance and presentation in the show ring. Not only will your horse maintain their summer coat for longer, it will also positively influence mood and behaviour and improve their topline and muscle development.
Elevate your horse’s performance and well-being with the Equilume Pro Light Mask. With a 15-hour battery life and a 12-month lifespan, this wireless and rechargeable Light Mask is your equine companion’s ultimate tool for shining bright. To find out more, click here.